Language Basics

Formulog is an extension of Datalog designed to support program analyses that use logical formulas, such as symbolic execution and refinement type checking.

A Formulog program consists of three main components:

  • type definitions;
  • relation declarations and definitions; and
  • function definitions.


Formulog has a strong, static type system.

Built-in Types

Formulog has five built-in primitive types:

  • booleans (bool), i.e., true and false;
  • signed 32-bit integers (i32 or equivalently bv[32]), as in 42;
  • signed 64-bit integers (i64 or equivalently bv[64]), as in 42L;
  • 32-bit floating point numbers (fp32 or equivalently fp[8,24]), as in 42.0F;
  • 64-bit floating point numbers (fp64 or equivalently fp[11,53]), as in 42.0 or 42.0D; and
  • string constants (string), as in "hello".

Beyond these primitive types, Formulog provides the following built-in algebraic data types:

type 'a list =
  | nil
  | cons('a, 'a list)

type 'a option =
  | none
  | some('a)

type cmp =
  | cmp_lt
  | cmp_eq
  | cmp_gt

It also has built-in types representing logical formulas, but a discussion of these is delayed until the section on logical formulas.

List Notation

Formulog provides special notation for terms of the list type. The cons constructor can be written using the infix notation ::; i.e., X :: Y is shorthand for cons(X, Y). A list can also be written as a sequence of comma-separated elements between a pair of square brackets. For example, the term [X, Y, Z] is shorthand for cons(X, cons(Y, cons(Z, nil))). The term [] is nil, the empty list.

Both notations can be used in pattern matching (described below).

User-Defined Types

Formulog allows users to define their own (polymorphic) algebraic data types. For instance, this defines a list-like type:

type 'a my_list =
  | my_nil
  | my_cons('a, 'a my_list)

Like types, constructors must begin with a lowercase letter.

Formulog also has support for tuple types, such as the type i32 * string, and users can also define type aliases, such as this one that defines a map to be an association list:

type ('k, 'v) map = ('k * 'v) my_list

Mutually recursive types are written using and:

type foo =
  | foo1
  | foo2(bar)
and bar =
  | bar1(foo)
  | bar2(bar, bar)

You can also define records, as here:

type 'a linked_list = {
  val  : 'a;
  next : 'a linked_list option;

Labels must be valid identifiers and cannot be shared across other types. For each label, Formulog will automatically generate a function with that name that extracts the relevant value from the record. For example, in the case of linked_list, Formulog will generate:

val  : 'a linked_list -> 'a
next : 'a linked_list -> 'a linked_list option

Formulog also supports OCaml-style functional record update, as in this example:

type point3d = { x : i32; y : i32; z : i32 }
fun foo : i32 =
  let X = { x = 1; y = 2; z = 3 } in
  let Y = { X with x = -1; z = 0 } in
  x(Y) + y(Y) + z(Y)

A call foo would evaluate to the value 1.


In Formulog, relations are declared using the keyword rel, followed by the name of the relation, and the types of the relation arguments. Relation arguments can also be given labels (as documentation):

rel foo(i32, string)
rel pair(first: i32, second: i32) (* `first` and `second` are labels *)

Some relations are defined only in terms of explicitly enumerated facts. This one relates pairs of nodes and consists of three pairs:

type node = string
rel edge(node, node)
edge("a", "b").
edge("b", "c").
edge("c", "b").

Relations like this—that consist only of enumerated facts—can be annotated with the @edb annotation, which tells Formulog to treat them as part of the extensional database (EDB).

@edb rel edge(node, node)

Formulog assumes that every relation not annotated with @edb is an intensional database (IDB) relation, meaning that it is defined by rules and should be treated as an output of the program. For instance, this predicate computes transitive closure over the previously defined edge predicate:

rel tc(node, node)
tc(X, Y) :- edge(X, Y).
tc(X, Z) :- tc(X, Y), edge(Y, Z).

A Formulog rule consists of a list of head atoms (the atoms to the left of the :-) and a list of body atoms (the atoms to the right of the :-). An atom is either a nullary predicate symbol (i.e., a predicate that takes no arguments) or a n-ary predicate symbol followed by a parenthesized, comma-separated list of terms. Each term is either

  • a primitive like 42;
  • a variable like X;
  • a constructed term like some(X :: [2, 3]);
  • a term of the form t not C, where t is a term and C is a constructor symbol (this evaluates to true if the outermost constructor of t is not C); or
  • a function call to a user-defined or built-in function like i32_to_i64(42) (functions are described in the next section).

Additionally, atoms in the body of a rule can be negated, as in the atom !tc(X, "c"). Restrictions on the use of negation will be described later in this guide.

Formulog also has two built-in binary predicates, = and !=:

rel ok
ok :- X = "hello", X != "goodbye".

The first of these predicate is true when its arguments unify to the same term, and the second is true when its arguments cannot be unified.

Finally, any Formulog term of type bool can be used in place of an atom in the rule body, as here:

rel foo(bool)
output p
p :- foo(X), X.

where the rule is translated to

p :- foo(X), X = true.

Reading EDB Relations from Disk

It is possible to specify that an EDB relation should be read from an external file by annotating its declaration with @disk, as in

@disk @edb foo(i32, i32, string list)

@disk @edb bar(string)

The Formulog runtime will look in the directories specified on the command line for files calledfoo.tsv and bar.tsv (defaulting to the current directory). As suggested by the .tsv extension, these files should contain rows of tab-separated terms, where each row corresponds to one input fact, and each column corresponds to an argument position.

So, a file foo.tsv might look like this

42	0	["x"]
24	1	["", " "]
100	-1	[]

(note that the terms on a line are separated by tabs, not spaces); it would correspond to the facts

foo(42, 0, ["x"]).
foo(24, 1, ["", " "]).
foo(100, -1, []).

Similarly, a bar.tsv file looking like this


would correspond to the facts


Every fact directory must have a .tsv file for every external input relation (the file can be empty).

Writing IDB Relations to Disk

An IDB relation can be annotated with the annotation @disk, in which case Formulog will dump its contents into a .tsv file in the directory specified on the command line (defaulting to the current directory).

For example, the program

rel bar(i32, i32)
bar(1, 2).
bar(3, 4).

@disk rel foo(i32, i32)
foo(X, Y) :- bar(X, Y).

will result in a file foo.tsv with the tab-separated contents:

1	2
3	4


Formulog allows users to define ML-style functions, that can then be invoked from within Datalog-style rules. These functions can be polymorphic, but cannot be higher-order. The functions must have explicit type annotations. For example, here is a function for finding the nth element of a list:

fun nth(Xs : 'a list, N : i32) : 'a option =
  match Xs with
  | [] => none
  | X :: Xs =>
    if N < 0 then none
    else if N = 0 then some(X)
    else nth(Xs, N - 1)

No special syntax is required for defining recursive functions, although mutually recursive functions must be defined with and, as here:

fun neg_abs(X: i32) = if X > 0 then -X else X

fun is_even(X: i32) : bool =
  let X = neg_abs(X) in 
  X = 0 || is_odd(X + 1)
and is_odd(X: i32) : bool =
  let X = neg_abs(X) in
  X != 0 && is_even(X + 1)

We support some of the basic ML syntax constructions, like match and let. However, you will find Formulog’s syntax to be less flexible than most ML implementations; for example, some(X) is okay but some X is not.

Despite the fact that we do not support higher-order functions, we do support nested functions that can locally capture variables and we also support a special parameterized term fold:

fold[f] : ['a, 'b list] -> 'a

where f is the name of a function of type ['a, 'b] -> 'a. Here’s an example using both nested functions and fold:

fun rev(Xs: 'a list) : 'a list =
  let fun cons_wrapper(Xs: 'a list, X: 'a) : 'a list = X :: Xs in
  fold[cons_wrapper]([], Xs)

Top-level nullary functions (i.e., ones that take no arguments) can be introduced with the keyword const instead of fun:

const pi : fp64 = 3.14
(* same as `fun pi : fp64 = 3.14` *)

Lifted Relations and Aggregation

Formulog allows any relation (i.e., EDB relations, IDB relations, and the built-in relations != and =) to be lifted to a boolean-returning function. For instance, we can write code like this:

output bar(i32)

fun foo(N:i32) : bool = bar(N + 1)

Here, the function foo(n) returns true whenever the bar relation contains n + 1.

Formulog supports aggregation through the wild card term ??, which can be used as an argument when “invoking” a relation as a function. For example, given the relation p that relates a bool to an i32, we have:

  • p(true, 42) returns a boolean (whether true is related to 42)
  • p(true, ??) returns a list of i32 terms (the ones that are related to true)
  • p(??, 42) returns a list of bool terms (the ones that are related to 42)
  • p(??, ??) returns a list of pairs constituting the relation

The use of lifted predicates must be stratified, as described in the “Program Safety” document.

Built-in Functions

Finally, Formulog already has a bunch of basic functions built-in (mostly to do with manipulating primitives):

  • functions for basic mathematical operations for types i32, i64, fp32, and fp64:
    • addition (*_add), as in fp32_add
    • subtraction (*_sub)
    • multiplication (*_mul)
    • negation (*_neg)
  • bit vector operations for types i32 and i64:
    • bitwise and (*_and),
    • bitwise or (*_or)
    • bitwise exclusive or (*_xor), for types i32 and i64;
    • signed division (*_sdiv)
    • signed remainder (*_srem)
    • unsigned division (*_udiv)
    • unsigned remainder (*_urem)
    • shift left (*_shl)
    • logical shift right (*_lshr)
    • arithmetic shift right (*_ashr)
  • float operations for types fp32 and fp64:
    • equality (*_eq; this is floating point equality, as opposed to structural equality via the predicate =);
    • division (*_div)
    • remainder (*_rem)
  • Comparison operations *_lt, *_le, *_gt, *_ge for types i32, i64, fp32, and fp64 (the bit vector ones are implicitly for signed comparison)
  • Signed compare (*_scmp) and unsigned compare (*_ucmp) operators for types i32 and i64; these return a term of type cmp (described above)
  • boolean operators !, &&, and ||
  • numeric primitive conversion operations, in the form *_to_* (e.g., i32_to_fp64)
  • the operators string_to_i32 and string_to_i64, which convert the string representation of an integer to a term of type i32 option and i64 option, respectively. The string should either be a decimal integer preceded optionally by - or +, or a hexadecimal integer preceded by 0x. The operations return none if the string is not in the proper format or represents an integer of too great magnitude to fit in 32/64 bits.

Standard arithmetic notation can be used for signed i32 operations. For example, 38 + 12 / 3 is shorthand for i32_add(38, i32_sdiv(12, 3)).

Formulog supplies some string manipulation functions:

string_concat      : [string, string] -> string
string_cmp         : [string, string] -> cmp
string_matches     : [string, string] -> bool
string_starts_with : [string, string] -> bool
substring          : [string, i32, i32] -> string option
string_length      : [string] -> i32
char_at            : [string] -> i32 option
string_to_list     : [string] -> i32 list
list_to_string     : [i32 list] -> string
to_string          : 'a -> string

The function string_matches returns true when its first argument matches its second argument, which can be a regular expression. The function string_starts_with returns true when its second argument is a prefix of its first argument. The function substring(s, i, j) extracts the substring of s starting at index i and ending at index j - 1; it returns none for inappropriate i or j.

The functions char_at, string_to_list, and list_to_string can be used to treat a string as a list of characters. We represent characters as terms of type i32. We currently do not guarantee any particular behavior if an integer less than 0 or greater than 255 is used as a character.

Finally, for the purposes of debugging, Formulog supplies a print function of type 'a -> bool; it always evaluates to true.